It has been a minute; but I am here. I am busy. And I am grateful.

I thought I might write about my 2020 woes and how glad I am that we are in the new year, but overall, 2020 was good to me. It is safe to say that my limits were pushed but in the best way. I have finally begun to recognize myself for who I truly am – a force to be reckoned with.

Here is my 2020 in a nutshell:

-          I gave birth to my second (and last) child in June

-          I started my business, Myomi Skin, in July

-          I got into the best shape of my life

-          I turned 30

Managing all of this has been CRAZY!

Do not let my Instagram fool you, I am sleep deprived, there are piles of laundry in my hallway and I should probably wash my hair. Making time for myself has been my saving grace. Forcing myself to work out each morning has focused me and continues to set the tone for each day. It helps me manage my time more efficiently and gives me more confidence to move forward positively.

Working from home – though I can control many aspects of my environment – is HARD with babies. I feel that I am close to mastering it, but in the most chaotic way lol.

I see it like this… I am always going to get my work done, no matter what. Waking up at 6 am knowing the mountain of a day I must climb no longer affects me, because it always gets done – I make it that way. I am happy I have learned to approach challenges this way; had I not, I would have imploded by now.


Myomi Skin, my 2020 shea butter business venture, has been the answer to many of prayers. It has brought me the fulfillment I have longed for, transformed my work ethic, and taught me a lot about the woman I want to be. Starting a business during a pandemic left me in a pool of unknowns. There is never a guarantee for success, and I can only control the time and work I put in. I have taken Myomi Skin from LA farmer’s markets to reaching almost 1000 e-commerce sales; and I am damn proud of that.

For me, 2020 had me ready to hit the ground running come January 1st. And despite being slightly hungover, I really did. I have plans and they will be fulfilled

By Valentines day of this year, I will be expanding my product line and introducing a Myomi Skin face oil (details to come).

My plate is full – but I like it this way. Busy days make relaxing that much more worth it. I am relishing in these moments of growth, speaking all that I want into existence, and putting the work in to see that they come to fruition.



Happy New Year, friends.

Evan Noel CheurfaComment