A Bunch of Nothing
I didn’t want to write today. My brain is cloudy, and I’ve been so sleepy all weekend. I sprained my ankle Saturday night - Annoying. I’ve sprained my ankle maybe 10 times in the last 10 years but with this one I can see bruising. (Is it weird that the bruises fascinate me? Probably.) I’m upset about it mainly because who has time for a sprained ankle? Also, I can’t do real cardio until the pain goes away. Sigh.
At least it’s not broken.
My husband and I were walking to the car after a party and I stumbled (in sneakers) and here we are. My tipsy level helped me ignore the pain a bit, until the next morning.
After I fell, he comments, “that’s cool though, the day we met you sprained your ankle.”
Adding some romance to the moment.
Which is true and an incredibly embarrassing memory that many witnessed. Lol.
Oh, also, people don’t tell you how hard it is to parent while hungover. I don’t recommend it. Nothing some greasy food and a lazy day can’t cure.
I like to start Monday’s off with a bang; which usually means ending my Sundays by organizing and prepping for the week.
Today, I have failed. Laundry is clean though....but unfolded. Dishes are dirty. Floors need to be mopped. Bathrooms need to be cleaned. Luckily, I made it to the grocery store before rush hour hit then found a small window (now) to write about nonsense while Maya takes a probably very brief nap.
I’m writing in my notes on my phone because I am as lethargic as they come right now. I think if I post this by 5, I’ll feel as though I’ve accomplished something.
Maybe 6.
Is it bedtime yet?